UPDATE: This event has been canceled, due to the weather. Please check this list for other opportunities to get your dog’s picture taken with Santa.
Bring your dog to Robbins Park, 17738 West Catawba Avenue, Cornelius, on Saturday, December 3, 2023, from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m., for Santa Paws in the Park.
Bring your camera to take pictures of your dog with Santa.
Check out our huge day-by-day list of holiday events in the Charlotte area! We update it every day!
This is a free event.
This annual event is hosted by the Town of Cornelius Parks & Recreation Department.
It’s also an opportunity to shop for unique dog gifts, and more, from local vendors.
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We make every effort to make sure that everything on Charlotte on the Cheap is 100% accurate.
However, sometimes things change without notice, and we are not always notified. It’s also possible that we can make a mistake.
Please verify all deals and events with the venue or organizer before you go.
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More Holiday Events
Check out our comprehensive day-by-day list of holiday events in the Charlotte area or check out a few upcoming holiday events here: