Looking for live music in Charlotte and surrounding areas? Check out this list of what’s on the calendar on Charlotte on the Cheap. These are concerts and music events that are free or cheap! Please note that you should still tip the musician if you can, and purchase a drink if the event is at a bar/brewery/coffee shop.
If you’d like to see a list of concerts regardless of price, check out this list of upcoming concerts in Charlotte, powered by Music Everywhere CLT.
Do you know of shows that should be on this list? Please email jody@charlotteonthecheap.com Please make sure to include complete information, including the cost, if any, a picture if available, and, especially, a link to the event. A Facebook event is fine. Events will be added to this list as time permits.
See a mistake? Please email me and let me know. Sometimes there are recurring events on the calendar that have changed.
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