Congratulations to Ashley R., who won the call with Mambo!
For those who didn’t win, Peace N Peas Farm is offering a discount of $5 per call to Charlotte on the Cheap readers. As shown below, go to dangrooster.com and find an open date and time. Then email dangrooster@gmail.com with the promo code CLTCHEAP. The promo code expires June 26th, 2020.
Read on to learn more about the Farm Animal Virtual Meetings…
A Charlotte area farm, Peace N Peas Farm, is home to some amazing animals, including a mini-donkey named Mambo, plus horses, chickens, and ducks.
Mambo has become a world-wide sensation. He’s been featured in newspapers, TV and radio shows around the world, as far away as Australia! Since he started donkey-bombing video calls, he’s dropped in on more than 100 Zoom calls.
If you’re not doing this already, you can subscribe to Charlotte on the Cheap’s daily emails (just one a day), and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
Are your virtual meetings getting a little dull? Invite one of these local animals to your next meeting! Whether it’s a business meeting, or a virtual happy hour, it will be better with one of these animals.
Farm Animal Virtual Meetings’ tagline is “Invite this Ass to your next meeting!” Mambo would LOVE to be there! Or…

Or you could choose one of the horses, or ducks, or chickens. None of them will wear pants to the meeting, so they’ll fit right in!
The cost is $50. You can choose the animal, and you can choose the animals’ display name.

The animals are available for virtual visits with kids, too! If you’re struggling to keep your kids occupied and to keep yourself sane, how about a donkey visit?
Invite a local farm animal to your meeting

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Christa says
Donkey bomb! I’m more excited about this contest than any others ever!
Mary Cummins says
How cool is that! Such a great way to make people laugh and Enjoy the love for animals!
Meaghan Bock says
I am super excited about this contest! My kids would love to talk to a donkey!! Thanks for the chance to win!
Lyna Williams says
Would love this!
Shannon Davis says
I love this. ❤️
Bonnie Shaw says
I so need to have Mambo join my next team meeting!! We are social workers and need a smile during these tough times!!!
Donna Hodge says
This would be so cool … I’m pretty sure our teachers need Mambo live during their next Zoom Staff Meeting @ Parkside Elementary!
Jennifer Mcdaniel says
This would be awesome my son lobes animals
Holly Zopp says
I love this idea! My Grandson would love it, heck I would too! LOL
Ruth Green-Waite says
This would be a great way to liven up those boring work video conferences!
Janet says
Would love to have Mambo join our weekly family Zoom call! Would brighten up my Dad’s nursing home days…
Fred says
It will be the best meeting ever!
Dusty says
Got 2 restless kids at home that would love this! Very cool idea.
Angela Janssen Keenan says
This would be so great!!
Jessamyn Donovan says
Donna Miller says
This would be awesome for our dull meetings! We’re a bunch of serious underwriters – I would love to see everyone smile!
Lisa Koski says
this would be amazing for my family Zooms!!! 🤞
Ashley Rivenbark says
This is so cool! Fingers crossed!
Meghan Barnes says
My kids would love this!
I love Mambo!!!! Pick me!!
Cheryl Brownd says
Would love a Mambo-Bomb
Bob McGill says
What an awesome idea! Would love to have one of these critters join one of our daily meetings!
Francie Dunlap says
Love this! We’re ready to help Mambo meet the winner! 😀